Monday, May 9, 2011

Manicure Monday

So, we're back on track with the narcissistic Manicure Monday. I mean, it's all about my nails for the most part. But, polish is the cheap little thrill that always perks you up no matter what. Especially when it winks at you whenever you move your fingers. Which brings us to this week's shade; Frilly Knickers.

It's a clear polish with fine flecks of shiny glitter suspended within it. Since the glitter is so fine, it doesn't go on as thick as you would want, but it does spread evenly on your nail with a single swipe. So, plus in that area. I'm wearing three in the below photo to get that sea of glitter effect I was going for. If you're wearing a colored base coat, you might want to stick with one or two coats as the opaqueness of the polish changes with each layer. Also, a clear top coat might want to be considered as it does feel grainy when it's dry, as all glitter polishes do. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Call Your Mother . . .

And tell her you love her. Especially Sunday as it is the official day to love and shower your mom with gifts. That's right, check your calendars. Mother's Day is Sunday. It snuck up on us again. Still without a gift or even without a clue? That's okay. I have a few ideas Mom might appreciate. 

The above dress is a very classic design that mom can wear for years to come at any season. It's flattering to most body types and keeps everything properly covered in the Jackie Kennedy fashion. We have several dresses in this style that will work for your stylish mom.

Not sure what size your mom wears or if she's just not a fan of dresses? HOBO bags are the perfect bag for any woman in any walk of life. With various styles and colors, these leather bags last forever and even the smallest looking bag has endless space on the inside so she can keep all those baby photos of you organized on the go just so she can pull them out and embarrass you at any given moment. The wallets are a great compliment to the bags, or as a gift all on their own.

Summer's approaching and everyone should have a new pair of sunglasses. We have several styles of HOBO glasses along with colorful fashion glasses for all tastes and budgets. 

If in doubt and or on a budget, give mom the gift of glam with some jewelry. Pearls, gold, silver, and shine, all women like a little box with something pretty on the inside. 

Now, after all this, if you're still not sure about what to give, we have gift certificates. Some say gift certificates are cold and impersonal; I say they're genius. Plus, it's the thought that counts in the end. Always remember:

River Bridge: Jersey Shore Edition

So, JWoww from Jersey Shore has come out with a tanning lotion, or at least gave her name to one. Well, at least she's sticking to what she knows! $50. Limited quantities. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Check it out!

So, Savannah got bored and decided to redo the jewelry section of the store, which is a feat in and of itself. She did an excellent job actually expanding the available space and made it easier for you to find the perfect accessory for any outfit! What do you think?