Monday, March 28, 2011

Manicure Monday and an Important Announcement

Eh, Monday's not the day to dance around the subject so let's just get to it. This week, I decided on another butter LONDON color. 


Macbeth is a hot pink, bright polish that dries as a glossy color without the aide of any extra shimmer or sparkle. It's a heavy, well pigmented color, like Artful Dodger, and you could easily get away with one coat on your nails. I did two just for a little extra gloss and protection of my actual nail. I've been on a neon kick lately, but neon is not exactly work appropriate for everyone. Thankfully, Macbeth is bright, but won't glow in a blacklight so it hits the perfect balance of loud and fun and sociable in all situations.

Now, onto the news. I saved it for last because it's not the best news in the world. Due to circumstances, we will no longer, until further notice, carry the butter LONDON line of nail polishes and nail care products at River Bridge. We are in the market for new polishes, but no confirmed products at this time. 

So, basically, what you see here above is what you get. This photo was taken Saturday evening. If you see a color you don't have yet or one you have to have, get it quick! 

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