Monday, March 14, 2011

My First Time

Do you remember the first thing you ever bought at River Bridge? I do. I still have that purchase, as a matter of fact. Back when I was in high school, I actually didn't even realize River Bridge was there until Senior year. That's sad. Really, really sad. Oh, the joys that could have been had prior to 2004. 

Anyway, the very first purchase I ever made at River Bridge was a pair of oversized purple sunglasses.

They're like Jackie O. meets Woodstock meets the 80s. Lovely-Groovy-Rad. I still pull these bad boys out every once in awhile, mostly during the warm months for time spent at the lake. Plus, they've moved to several places with me, they're the oldest glasses I own and they still look brand spanking new. What's even better? I think I only paid, like, $10 for them. Score.

So, what was your first purchase that you can remember from River Bridge?

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