Monday, March 21, 2011

Manicure Monday

It's that time again. Time for Monday to roll around and bite us in our weekend-mode behinds. Monday is the least liked day on the calendar. Fortunately, Monday knows this and tries to compensate by making the week a little more colorful with a fresh manicure. What color am I using this week? Why, none other than Artfull Dodger by butter LONDON.

Artfull Dodger is a dusty blue that really isn't like any other color I've seen in a polish. This color was the first B.L. product I ever bought and is still my favorite to date. Of course, considering they're B.L., it's available at River Bridge and if this particular color is not when you first walk in, it's okay, there are other amazing colors that we'll explore on another Monday.

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