Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wait, it's Spring, right?

We're in that curious time of year of which we long for exposed toes and golden tans. Alas, Father Winter just doesn't want to seem to give up the reigns when it comes to weather. However, the weather has absolutely nothing to do with this post. 

Quite recently, River Bridge got in a rather luxurious shipment of scarves in. Beautifully twisted and dyed, the colors are so rich while the feel is soft to the touch. Now, we're rolling into Spring. You don't need a scarf, correct? It's getting to friggin' hot for that nonsense. 


These scarves are feather light so they won't weigh you down or bring up your body temperature. These scarves can be found at Maison Weiss, but why go there? We have them right here? ($85)

Now, on the flip side, the Tie Dye wonder, Brenda Otts, took her own little spin and hippied-up some scarves of her own. These are a little heavier in weight but still comfortable enough to wear in the warmer spring months. They have the same bright tones and uniqueness as the tops, but in a more compact size for a last minute accessory. ($38)

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